In the Hill top log cabin NP236QG tomorrow
Our community café is open Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 2 pm.
Every Friday night at 6:30 there is an adult group there is a charge of £1 to go in. (Check Facebook before you go because some people might be ill or some other inconvenience)
We now have our new owl enclosures for Doctor Who Who and Owl Pacino
We would like to thank all those who participated in our Christmas events to make it a special time
Coffee Mornings every Monday10 am to 12 noon just drop in for a chat
Every Thursday there is a Men's group all ages 12 noon to 2:30 pm
Foodbank Open Monday to Friday 12pm till 1:30pm
We are a litter picking hub working with keep Wales tidy
you can book your equipment out or join us once a month on our litter pic